Developmental Editing Portfolio
Mystery Novel DE Letter
The focus on this DE was better adhering to crime and mystery fiction conventions to better engage with the target audience. I provided suggestions for condensing exposition in favor of intrigue, establishing stronger character relationships, and providing actionable items for the author
Middle Grade Fantasy DE Letter
I provided a thorough developmental edit on the first half of a middle grade fantasy novel that is part of an ongoing series. This DE primarily focused on ensuring continuity with the first book published in the series, developing the characters in greater depth, and providing detailed feedback on the plot line to enhance the overall narrative.
Young Adult Epistolary DE Letter
This DE letter primarily focused on providing detailed feedback on specific themes that are present within a Young Adult contemporary novel, aiming to create a stronger connection with the targeted readership. Additionally, it discussed various aspects of the narrative structure to further enhance the overall impact of the work.
Young Adult Contemporary DE Letter, example two
This DE letter was part of a collaboration. It is written with the intention of the feedback being integrated into one DE letter to be delivered to the author. The focus was on tone and dialogue, with particular attention to aligning the manuscript with a YA voice and audience.